Nothing happening here follow weeks of training, a few weeks and some not so good, of course you do not have the same free time to train as one would like but it must be-adapted to what there is. That is going to do. This week was so cold in Madrid and spent than catch pneumonia I preferred to change the outputs of bicycle spinning class and I really do not like it. It is not the same but anything goes and it all adds up. Phrase that I love and that says a great professional as Josef Ajram.
about training have gone pretty breaded and have finally left the following numbers:
Monday: Rest Forced
- Running: 0:51:17 / 10 km / 598 Kal. Later came work and I got to the gym and running on the treadmill.
- Abdominals, lower back and stretching
- : 0:45:00 / 645 Kal. Jo as múslossss hurt. Abs and stretching
- Abdominals, lower back and stretching
- swimming: 0: 30:46 / 40 long to crawl / 1.250 meters / 15 'smooth swimming and varied + 10 '(2 + 2 large fists outstretched hand long) + 10' (4 long breathing every 3 strokes of 2 + 2 laps long) + 15 + swim smooth and varied
- Running: 0:51:17 / 10 km / 598 Kal. Later came work and I got to the gym and running on the treadmill.
- Abdominals, lower back and stretching
- Spinngin: 0:45:00 / 645 Kal. Jo as múslossss hurt.
- Abdominals, lower back and stretching
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