Saturday, January 8, 2011

Coconut Oil, Intertrigo

through 2011: The Year of the Divine Wisdom and Love / by Kate Ann Spreckley

2011: The Year of the Divine Wisdom and Love
By Kate Ann Spreckley
January 4, 2011

The 2011 will see tremendous changes and transformations. All you have healed, released, become aware and understood in 2010 will introduce a high-energy wave to the first half of 2011. The changes will occurring within the collective consciousness, bringing new beginnings that will stabilize quickly. This will enable us to effectively address the consequences of our past elections, both collectively and individually, encouraging us to make the necessary changes and choices that will produce a new equilibrium.

The 2011 will see us emerge from our state and have isolated and protected to a greater awareness of our potential to grow and develop spiritually as a human race. Many more will awaken to the understanding of the Divine Essence and dramatic events and situations will open new avenues for exploration Spiritual individual, allowing the completion and resolution are a theme throughout the year. As

release and completed the lessons of the past, the energy of this year will decode most of the patterns that are contained within our DNA. As away the old patterns of imbalance, our hearts will continue to heal, creating new patterns of love and compassion. For many, through this process will begin to fully understand and realize the true nature of his physical life.

During 2011 we come to understand deeply that, contained within each and every one of the people, is the unity of the universe. This unit is composed of many tiny aspects Creation and these tiny pieces are moving continuously in harmony and balance. As we move forward in 2011, will emerge the ability to unify these areas, expanding their awareness and reconnected with even higher realms of Spirit.

As they develop this year, any experience, remaining challenges and situations that make slow progress towards unity, will be exposed. All energetic and emotional blockages are to be dissolved, encouraging the expression of their true spiritual essence within its physical life. Work consciously with the energy of unity within you will meet the needs Deep Soul and Spirit, bringing the concept of Unity Consciousness to the physical reality and initiating the necessary changes in the world. In 2011

are encouraged to see themselves and each human soul as a vision of wisdom and divine love. They will be asked to get out of their apathy and negativity and unite your body, mind and spirit through your heart. Learn to embrace themselves and all others in a selfless love and compassion and see the strength of unconditional love that lie beneath the surface of our everyday consciousness. Going to wake up completely to the truth that they are an inseparable part of the Divine Creator. There is no separation or distance between you and the Divine Creator. The same stream of consciousness that flows from the Divine Creator flows through you and every living thing.

Follow the path of your heart will allow them to achieve all the mysteries and wonders of happiness, peace, joy, beauty and love. Through its heart have a path that leads to the very heart of the Divine Creator. They are being called forward by the road in search of untold riches which are buried in the cave of his heart. The key is to open to higher potential human and divine love will bring them freedom of unconditional love. Aliens with the source of divinity that lies within your heart and give Welcome to true joy. Live and work flawlessly on the earth, disturbing the harmony, balance and beauty of the surroundings. Learn to listen and understand the natural world around them - the sun, moon, stars, wind, forests, oceans, rivers and lakes, animals. Follow the laws of nature and respect all life.

Copyright © 2010 Kate Ann Spreckley - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on condition that he not make any changes, to include live links, full credit is given to the author (s) and distributed free. Translation: Margarita López
Edition: The Spring of Caduceus / libros.htm
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