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Sebaceous Cysts University Of Michigan

Working with the Creative Force - The New Frequency - 3rd Party / By Aluna Joy Yaxk'in ~ Sacred Valley, Peru

Working with the Creative Force
The New Frequencies
the 3rd party
Yaxk'in By Aluna Joy ~ Sacred Valley, Peru
September 20, 2010

The following is the third part of the third message we received during our most recent trip to PERU, September 2010. You can find other posts on our website under the link entitled "Articles on Personal and Planetary Transformation" (in English). We are sharing this message with you here as we receive it, in the present tense, with little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages we receive are not just for our groups, but also for humanity. So as you read this, imagine you were there with us ... the Masters and Star Elders tell me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. Might want to imagine they are sitting with us in the Andes.

are in the midst of great change. At this important moment, it is imperative that we keep a positive mind as much as possible. This does not mean falling into denial about the problems that arise in order to remain positive. Do you know the saying: "Being in the world ... but not of it"? Teachers are telling us that we are authentic and are aware of the atrocities of the world without being affected by them. Do not become a new era for the ostrich that "all good", which buries its head in the sand when the darkness lifts his tired old head. This is pseudo-enlightenment and pseudo-master. This new era calls us to be authentic and conscious and aware of what is happening around us in the world. This is to see an issue or a problem, instead of devoting our energy the case, it is consciously withdraw our energy situation. If you are attracted to some drama, or if they see any negative issue, rather than fight it or try to force her to change, we must realize that we are part of that creation.
The Masters say that the most appropriate action to take is actually withdrawing our light of the situation and know-how to do, in fact we reduce the problem. As in war for example ... if you fight back, no matter how justified we may feel, what we are doing is just feeding the war and giving energy. We are learning to consciously withdraw our energy of negative situations and not to feed the dark side of duality. We are learning not to fight evil, but to work with love.

There is an old Cherokee story about two wolves ...

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that was raging within him. He said: "My son is between two wolves. One is evil: Anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is good: Joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. "The grandson thought for a minute and then asked his grandfather:" Which wolf wins? "The old Cherokee simply replied," The one I feed. " ~ Author Unknown

Conscious creation is a muscle that has atrophied over the cycles of darkness in most of us. The more we practice the positive intention and conscious creation, the less we will see or be exposed to negative situations. There's a fine line between opinion and insight, with which we all have difficulties. What we are talking about is the simple insight and just call things what they are. The trial has an emotional charge that comes with him. The real insight not. Discernment has no ego and is neutral. We do not want to make judgments because that creates karma.

is increasingly evident that the whole physical creation is out of alignment with love will dissolve. The situations and negative things, including toxic waste on the planet, war, co-dependency, abuse, and all the issues based on the drama / ego can not survive in this new energy. Nobody is getting away with it. We are experiencing instant karma. The problems they are being pushed to the surface, because they can not survive in this energy. Anything that is out of alignment with the sheer force creative nature will return and destroy itself. So yes, there will be many changes on Earth. What will emerge from this new energy is a new world, and I have total faith that it will be a fairly easy transition. Chances are you are not part of the changes more challenging, because they have done their homework. They cleaned out their lockers. BUT ... will be available to help others who need your help now.

We must be faithful to our hearts, and this will include speaking our truth and lose our attachment to the results. Many times we want to serve others and then expect that to be well received. But when we see that it is not on especially in family matters, we feel bad. We must lose our attachment to the result, and do what we are called to do. If people like the council or whatever we do, great. If not, we let it go and move on. Thus, our future actions are made more effective service and is much easier for us emotionally. We remain in a more positive mindset.

When we live from our truth and our hearts, we may lose some false friends, but we will win some more appropriate. Similar frequencies attract. So if you do not like where they are, it is probably because they are reducing their frequency to not make waves. This does not going to work because we were born to make waves. We must be ourselves, because when we temper our lights, we are not honoring ourselves and the Spirit, and allowing the divine merit. When WE resonate and who we are, we will attract like-minded people.

We are in a shift of the ages. The future will result as the catastrophe at the end of the era of Atlantis. This change is not the end of the world ... but for people out there that is attached to this world, will appear to the world for them. It will not be so difficult for us, because we already have our eyes on something bigger and brighter. We have been releasing the old world, and have been dreaming again ... for years! So how we will experience the change only depends on what we are attached and what vision of the future hold in our hearts.

We are becoming living rays of golden sun disc, which is a manifestation of the sun's energy on Earth. In every place I go, let's connect this light around the planet. Archangel Michael likes to refer to her as a sweet, sticky honey. It will spread around the globe and will adhere to it. This energy is in a much stronger than I've ever seen since I've been making these pilgrimages. We've all been waiting a long time. Some of us have been waiting for this since we were children. We're starting to see the manifestation of what we've been waiting for.

We are beginning to express this new world right now. We feel we've been waiting and dreaming of this new world. The truth is that this "dream wish" actually we have been creating a new paradise in spirit. Manifested mainly in the form is always created in the spirit first. Unknowingly, we have been germinating an Eden paradise ... a seed from which will emerge a new world. This is the world we have been waiting for. Is that we believe in our hearts.

A question emerged from the second part of this message ...

What that powers the Sun Disc ..., where is your energy?

The album is self-generating solar ... has its own power, and we, only we have forgotten. The solar disk is a generator. Gets its power of pure intent and source of all that IS. It is a place where everything starts. We will learn more over time, as we wake up even more. The Golden Sun Disc is still not completely out of the intra-dimensional city. It's still coming. I think we're connecting with it now, but more is coming. Glad not everything is here once, because that would be hard for us to adjust.

A group member said ... "It almost feels like I've been content with sacred geometry."

Yes, that was close but not exactly true, because for now, is the only language we have to describe what we watching. The Golden Sun Disc is a larger frequency ... a higher level of sacred geometry. This energy is connected to the physical gold that made the disc. Until this gold comes from higher dimensions. It contains the wisdom of a more advanced geometry we know today. The solar disk is the creative force of the universe condensed. Therefore, it is something we do not understand at this point, not yet. It's like the way we work with the Mayan calendar ... the way we work with him is at its lowest absolutely. Call schedule is almost a lack of respect to energy. It is a multi-dimensional field from which all things are created. The Star Elders drew the map of these cycles on Earth, and that's what the Mayan calendar used as living today. What we know today is something like an echo of what is really true. Let us understand this more as time passes. We all have those "aha" when suddenly, Boom, something is clear to us instantly. This is because we have evolved enough in the spiral of evolution that we can really understand a higher level.

"What drives were used Golden Sun?"

The Golden Sun Disc was used for a multitude of things. Whatever you can imagine it was used. There were at least two, and is likely to have been more. When the Masters Andean hit a record, made a sound ... vibration. In this vibration, could travel in time. They could go anywhere. Could send healing energy. Could send a message. Virtually anything you can imagine. The Solar Disc was a way to condense the creative force of the universe into something that could be used, but at the same time keep it located in a secret location until the Earth was ready to have this energy around the globe. Will affect the physical, spiritual ... whatever you can imagine. We can imagine a lot! So, as the old saying goes ... be careful what you wish for! The energy

Gold Disc could not be allowed to be worldwide, because it was too strong for those containing negativity in their hearts ... and would be misused. Here in the Americas, it is still used at the height of civilization Inca. But on the other side of the Earth, humanity was lost in the dark. The reason that the Americas were not in the dark is because the teachers were still in physical form and held the light here. They contained the dark cycle that the earth had to cross. At one point, could no longer restrain it, and knew that the Earth had to go into the darkness of the cosmic womb to be reborn. They hid the gold discs to keep them pure. They also worried that they could magnify the dark cycle to the point that humanity could not survive. Humanity would have destroyed our planet, feeding the bad wolf. We're beyond that point now. We have reached a critical mass in the group. There are too many who are waking up and holding the light in their hearts. We will not destroy the planet, but if they open their eyes and see the news, it appears there could. This is only because the media are still full of people who want to play the game of duality and drama.

Who are feeding the bad wolf is going to tire of it quickly, because they will not be able to maintain that level of darkness. They will not be able to stay in their bodies still contain negative energy or where they control and hurt others. We are all connected. What we do each other, we do ourselves. All projected outward negative energy will return to its owner.

The Star Elders held the power of creation (Golden Sun Disc) in small and safe places on Earth. They did this also in the Maya lands. In Palenque, you can still feel its light and power. They kept the energy in small areas to keep connected to the Earth, while the rest of the Earth was passing through the darkness. Then, when we have evolved enough and adequate time has come, now, this energy is released, and then the entire Earth can return back to the light. The energy is now receiving is not really the solar disk. It's just pure energy contained and protected for a while. If this is happening now is a sign that we must be prepared for that. We are just now having this pure energy that will flood the entire planet, because otherwise we would not feel now.

"How you will feel this new world?" Because we are entering a whole new paradigm, the best thing I can think of is that you will feel like kindergarten. There will be plenty to learn, but we will learn from the innocence of a curious child, and I know we will be well supervised. We will re-learn our ABC, because it is an energy completely new. We are already doing. We've been doing for years ... bit by bit. What I say is going to be a whole new world, and the basic laws of nature change. The essence or basis of nature and how it evolves over the world will change. So we must learn about it. But we will like, because there will be a freedom that comes with this new world. We will be less restricted. We will be able to use more than our abilities.

lower dimensions are more natural laws. The higher dimensions are less laws. I used to think that the law was as punishment for not being awake, but in reality is that the universe loves us. The universe knows we can not take care of ourselves when we are asleep, so we're restricted to safe.

Remember that at the beginning of this pilgrimage, said that the word appeared strong was "freedom" ... "Freedom", "Now" and "Equilibrium." The more we awaken, we have fewer rules. We know that we are natural rule breakers, levers and shakers of the boat. We like to live outside the rules ... rules that our families are still, and the rules are still our friends. We break the rules, and that is because we are awakening. So the more awake, less rules and restrictions we have. Creates a natural awakening of the consciousness revolution.

We are starting afresh in a New Era. Going to be surprising, since it is a whole new world, young children and we shall explore this new world. Even Yeshua said that we enter the new world we must become like little children. This is very important. Young children do not go out the door with a whole plan of what to do during the day. Do not do that. They go out the door and anything that the world they present is what you end up doing. Could play ... could go do this ... could go to do that. If you fall and scrape your knee, scream like mad, then get up and start playing again. Do not deny what is happening to them. They are at the moment. Are real and true to themselves. A

us have been trained as adults to ignore and avoid our feelings, and worry about the future, and feel bad about the past. We've talked before about not bury our heads in the sand. This also applies here ... face what is happening, then go ahead. That's basically what the children. They fall down and cry, and then the next minute they are laughing and clowning around again. The idea is to eliminate the issues ... crying, screaming and kicking. I go out and shouted to the stars. Have tantrums and kicked to the ground. Get him out of you. Then go, and let the light again.

Our children are trained to swallow their feelings as they grow. When we get older, it teaches us to be adult and mature. What this means is that gorge all the hurt and pain within us. All this builds up, and soon we become volcanoes that erupt frequently. Here is where the war comes. We can exploit for something small, and we wonder why we bother so much a thing so small. It is because we are sitting on a powder keg of things I never tried. So we have to be like little children.

Teachers Andean want us to be light and happy and cheerful. Spiritual awakening can not be a serious project and heavy. An event must be very happy. Teachers live in the heart with joy. Joke, and not take things so seriously. They are not afraid of anything. Do not act like victims. They demand their God-given power they recognize as their own ... ... and we should recognize our own. Take it easy in the NOW, keeping it balanced and positive, and do everything with as much joy as possible.
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Copyright © 2010 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article provided that the contents are complete, credit the author (s), and distributed free. Centro del Sol - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Tel: 928-282-6292 Tel / Fax: 928-282-4622 - Email: Website:
Translation: Margarita Lopez
Edition: The Caduceus Spring of
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