Informes Blue Eagle
January 2011
2011-The Board Game
Multidimensional By Ana Maria Frallicciardi
be more authentic, more true to our feelings, our desires, do whatever you feel and leave to prove we're good and efficient.
BE FROM THE HEART. New ideas will clarify our vision, but the heart knows that what is new is better than the wreck drifting. We are led to a rapid current galactic energy. Stop, impossible, everything flows and is transformed within. We may feel some confusion, it is necessary to quiet down and feel in your heart to find clarity. Without fear! Our Being known for who came to this land, give way to its purest expression of intent and the changes are precipitated, flower gifts at every turn.
already entered in the new reality, we now have to take care of it. The new energy brings true joy, do not resist the new energy. The joy flows effortlessly. Being at peace from the heart opens the door to the good. True love is a state of inner completeness and resonance with all creation. The
new frequencies are adjusting lighting on Earth and in us. The beings that are in resonance with them receive them and convey in their environment, evolving their groups and their cities (suggest contacting: to assist with the creation of light cities around the world)
beings who are still doing their energy settings may be going through unstable periods of light and darkness. Sometimes it seeks fullness and ecstasy in meditation and reality shows that there is shadow cones. And the ego is horrified. The more we meditate on the light, but they may be releasing the old darkness steeped in our energy bodies. We are on good way, mind and continue working on the light. We are anchoring the light in the midst of our imperfections. Continue to work without losing heart. Thus the 5 th dimension in 3D anchor. We need not evade or feel that we should stop what is commonly called 3D to go to the 5D. There is no need to go anywhere, you have to receive within us the waves of light and love and let go of what no longer serves, addictions, pain, feeling selfish .... ... .. Fall alone If you're in your heart center see no pain from the old story, the wreck. We came to bring life on the planet, did not come to fight for an area of \u200b\u200bmaterial security. "If you want to change your reality, make the changes within you. "
Vision for the coming months astrological
The months of January and February we prepare for the changes and challenges of 2011. Armemos our board. We have time to plan, visualize, focus on what we want to make in the coming months. In January and February will have energy to operate in groups, communities and networks.
Between March and April we will have to balance our challenges. How I stay? What give? I can not keep taking everything in my backpack, what is essential, what is superfluous?
From March 12 move an important piece of board, Uranus enters Aries for 7 years. Literally, Uranus kicks the table and shows new rules, sudden changes, unexpected situations, this energy accelerates unplanned processes in the collective and personal. The energy will be released in such a way that thought and human behavior will have significant alterations or modifications. The innovative and evolutionary ideas come as rays are unquestionable and ground with rational thought. The systemic, fast and intuitive prevail on the analytic and reflective. Children in schools require prompt and effective methodologies. They do not want to study history, they do not care of heroes past, they live connected in the dizzying world of networks, they are the protagonists of their own stories.
Where do the changes? Into the new, of course! Ankylosed egos will be brought to the challenge of change irreversible. Leave an open box in your projects for the energy of the unexpected, if Uranus plays a significant area of \u200b\u200byour chart will surely surprise you with some unexpected event.
Aries During the equinox, 21 March, the opposition of Saturn in Libra and Jupiter in Aries, which will remain until mid-April. Are markers of time, being in opposition and social changes indicate tensions. Processes begin transformations.
During this process we develop awareness of social balance we need. Remark: to develop awareness. Because it will be one of the ways you can cope and help in the collective mind the great changes in humanity.
The planets Uranus and Pluto, powerful triggers changes in the collective mind will be in square most of the year. They provide the energy of rupture. If we see from Earth are cosmic game rebels, who force us to change strategies in spite of ourselves. Carriers are the New Consciousness if we see from the Galactic Center. They represent external forces that come into our lives to annoy, but when we understand the depth of stellar post the sudden urge to accept change and thrive. That is, when you feel your world seemingly falls apart, that is the signal to move towards major changes. The cautious advance two or three boxes. Warriors of Light will another quantum leap of consciousness and continue to open doors for crowds to pass by them. Another
work during 2011 will be the acceptance of some and the others. With Saturn in Libra, we will see in the mirror of others what we still have to polish the sake of our own integration with the other and the universe.
In late April there will be a strong presence 4 planets in Aries, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury. Aries represents the self. From the opposite Saturn in Libra represents the other, society. Opportunity to view, analyze and resolve our relationship with the other, the couple, the links and relationships in general. Social and international tensions. Saturn in Libra in the balance shows that we are not alone, that others, Libra, also take place to consider.
will not be easy to make decisions during the Saturn-Jupiter opposition between March and April. The energies are retained, but it's time to see the paths to make in May. When choosing, what I can drop anchor or show that I can in my new reality? Is an important power for the end terminations and new beginnings. Resolve issues outstanding from the past, will further advance.
May brings the energy to begin manifesting new purposes. The presence of Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury in Taurus contribute to shape the new reality. We will check the solid foundations that have been forged in previous years. Many long-awaited project will begin to manifest. Now if the new is fertile ground to flourish, this will require having made the necessary choices.
Something will have to drop. Afraid of being wrong? At this stage of events, my dear fellow map, there is no room for fear. Select means to begin a new journey of experiences and learning. No errors or failures, only learning. If we err, we acknowledge where we did not see things well, then we are leaving the world of illusion and adding more light and clarity in our lives. Those who make roads with heart is not so wrong. That is, do what you feel from deep in your heart and you're hitting your true path of growth.
With the Sun in Gemini, in June, will accelerate spiritual growth processes. The activation of the new codes will be experienced galactic collective level. Spiritual learning will become more fluid. Many people can make their life changes so much desired. Divine wisdom and superior knowledge available in the consciousness of most people who had not previously thought of them.
July 26 starts the new galactic year. White Rhythmic Wizard. From the July 26, 2011 to July 24, 2012. To the extent that you accept your magic, miracles are precipitated.
At this stage of events, and have understood and experienced successes and failures that power, determination and the changes are within you. Start the year of Magic. Cosmic wisdom available to all. The levels of consciousness awakens Wizard beyond the rational, collecting the magic of life. Once again, the sky will support you to take your own power. So you can create a field of infinite possibilities. Now you can capture the new consciousness and to regenerate your environment.
squares are activated in August among the noisiest planets: Uranus, Mars, Pluto and Saturn. Again
the board will move unexpectedly and somewhat chaotic. These planets move social and financial chaos. Again we should look multidimensional lens to understand the liberating forces needed by the Spirit of the Earth for processing. Intensive purification for those behind. It's all part Cosmic Plan. Recommend a good surfboard, flexibility and balance to get through the crisis.
After an intense shock is calm in the coming months. Experience the decline in much more light. Beings committed to the Cosmic Plan will see the fruits of such efforts. We unquestionably into galactic synchronization December 2012. We are preparing our gold and diamond dress for the graduation ceremony planet. Do not miss the Galactic Party which came to Earth.
Thanks for joining us in creating the New Earth
Ana Maria Frallicciardi
Capilla del Monte. Córdoba. Argentina
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team Blue Eagle wishes you a 2011 full of achievements and much Love
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