Vipassana Meditation
The text is based on a talk given by S. N. Goenka in Berne, Switzerland.
all seek peace and harmony, because we lack them.
From time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, disharmony, suffering, and when we suffer agitation, this misery will not keep us limited, but continuously distribute to others. A miserable person fills the surrounding environment of turmoil, and those around it are also altered, irritated.
Certainly, this is not the proper way to live.
We have to live in peace with ourselves and at peace with others because In short, humans are social beings who live within an interconnected society.
But how to live in peace and harmony, and kept them for others can also live in Peace and Harmony?
To get rid of our agitation, we must know the basic reason of it, the cause of suffering.
When investigating this problem, we realize that we are agitated in negativity or contamination generated in the mind.
Negativity, impurity contamination or mental, can not coexist with the Peace and Harmony.
How do we start generating negativity? Also we now realize, to investigate, we feel unhappy when we are with someone who behaves in a way that we do not like or when something happens that we dislike.
When something do not want, there is tension within us and also arises when it occurs or there are obstacles in order to fulfill something we want, and with this began to tie knots on the inside. And
lifetime things will happen and we do not want the dear might happen or might not happen, we will continue in this reaction process of tying knots - Gordian knots - that make all the physical and mental is under tension, full of negativity, turning our lives in constant misery.
There is nobody in the world that can satisfy all your desires, in whose life everything goes as it wants, not something unwanted happens. Things happen constantly going against our wishes and inclinations, hence the timely question: How can we
stop reacting blindly when we must deal with situations we do not like? How can we fail to generate tension and remain full of Peace and Harmony?
both in India and other countries was wise and holy people who studied this problem - the problem of human suffering - and found a solution: when something unwanted began to react with anger, fear or negativity
needs to be directed as soon as attention to anything else, for example you get up, grab a glass of water and start drinking, so anger is not only not multiplied but began to decrease, or start counting: one, two, three, four ... or repeat a word or phrase, or mantra, or perhaps the name of a holy person to feel that devotion.
to divert the mind and to some extent we get rid of negativity, anger.
This solution was helpful, it worked and still working, practicing, the mind feels free from agitation. However only works on the level of the conscious mind because what you actually do to divert attention is to push the negativity to the depths of the unconscious where you keep generating it and multiplying.
There is peace and harmony on the surface, but in the depths of the mind there is a sleeping volcano of suppressed negativity which sooner or later will erupt with a bang.
There were other explorers of inner truth that came something beyond in their search, and after experiencing the reality inside the mind and matter realized that is only to divert attention away from the problem.
Escape is not a solution, we must confront the problem.
Where there is a negativity in the mind:
look at it, let him front and as soon as you start to observe the mental pollution, begin to lose strength and will gradually wither away and can be uprooted.
is a good solution that avoids the two extremes of repression and given free rein. Bury the negativity in the unconscious does not eradicate it and allow them to protest with a physical or verbal act harmful only create more problems.
But if you simply notes, pollution goes away and you've eradicated that negativity, you will be free of such contamination.
This sounds great, but is practicable in reality? Is it easy for the average person deal with pollution?
When anger arises, we are caught by surprise as we do not even realize it.
Carried by anger physical or mental acts that harm ourselves and others.
Soon after, the disappearance of anger, began to mourn and repent, asking forgiveness of others and seeking God's forgiveness: "Oh, I made a mistake, forgive me."
But next time we meet again in a similar situation to react the same. This repentance is not there served us all. The difficulty is
that we are not aware of when starting this pollution.
begins in the depths of the unconscious mind and conscious when it comes to such a force that has taken us away and we can not observe.
"Now I sit and look at my anger." But is that possible? Nothing more close your eyes to see the anger and the object of my anger, whether a person or an incident, immediately arises in my mind and I do not see one's anger but merely the external stimulus of the emotion, which, only lead to the multiplication of anger and therefore is not a solution.
is very difficult to see an abstract negativity, an abstract emotion divorced from the external object that originated it.
However, there was someone who, having reached the ultimate truth found a real solution:
found that the emergence of a contamination in mind two things happen simultaneously at the physical level:
breathing loses its normal rhythm - it's easy note that breathing harder when there is a negative -
And more subtle levels in the body begins a biochemical reaction that results in a sensation.
All pollution generated some kind of sensation in the body.
This offers a practical solution:
An ordinary person can not observe abstract defilements fear, anger or passion, but with proper training and practice is easy to observe respiration and bodily sensations, and both are directly related to the defilements.
breathing and feelings help in two ways: first behave like private secretaries and emerge as an impurity will be breathing normally and began to shout: "Something's wrong!".
Likewise also the feelings will tell us that something is wrong. After
warned us we can start:
to observe the breath, observe the sensations and we realize that the impurity disappears quickly.
This physical phenomenon - mental is like a coin: on one side are the thoughts and emotions that arise in the mind and in the other, breathing and body sensations.
All thoughts and emotions, all the defilements that arise are manifested in the breath and the sensations of that moment.
Therefore, to observe the sensations or breathing are:
Noting, in fact, the defilements.
Instead of fleeing the problem we face reality as it is, the negativity and not forward as we did in the past and if we persevere eventually disappear and remain happy and at peace.
Thus, the Art of Self-Observation shows us two aspects of reality: the internal and external.
Before losing just looked outside the inner truth.
were looking outside the cause of our misfortune always blamed something or someone and tried to change the external reality.
By ignoring the inner reality, we did not understand that:
The cause of suffering is within us in our blind reactions toward pleasant and unpleasant sensations.
Now, the training, we can see the other side of the coin, we be aware of our breathing and also what happens inside us.
Whatever it is, breath or sensation, we learn to observe without unbalancing the mind. We stopped
react and multiplying our misery and allow contamination to manifest and disappear.
The negativity dissolve faster the more you practice this technique. Gradually the mind becomes free of pollution and it is pure.
a pure mind is always full of selfless love LOVE
to others, full of compassion for the suffering and the faults of others, full of joy at the triumphs and the happiness of others, full of equanimity in any situation.
At this been our pattern of change, and not be physical or verbal acts that could disturb the peace and happiness of others. A balanced mind is full of Peace and permeates the surrounding environment of peace and harmony that also affect other aid.
By learning to remain balanced in dealing with what we experience within ourselves, we develop detachment towards all that will bring us external situations.
But this detachment is not escapism or indifference to the world's problems.
Those who practice Vipassana regularly, increase awareness of sufferings of others and do what they can to alleviate suffering in whatever way they can, without stirring, with a mind full of Love, Compassion and Equanimity.
learn the holy indifference, they learn to surrender completely, to fully deal with helping others, while keeping your sanity. So remain full of peace and happiness while working for peace and happiness of others.
This is what the Buddha taught: an Art of Living.
not founded a religion, an "ism" or rites and rituals taught and no empty words to those who approached him, but taught them to observe nature as it is, looking at the inner reality.
Because of our ignorance, constantly react so that we harm or we hurt others.
But when wisdom arises, - The Wisdom of Observing reality as it is - a habit of disappearing when we respond and react to blind are able to perform true acts, acts that emanate from a balanced mind, a mind he sees and understands the truth.
Such an act can only be positive, creative, able to help us and the rest.
therefore need
"Know yourself"
Council to give all the sages. Not known only intellectually at the level of ideas and theories.
devotionally not just emotional or blindly accepting what we have seen or heard.
Such knowledge is not sufficient, rather we know reality through experience.
We directly experience the reality of this physical phenomenon - mental, because the only thing that will help us get rid of pollution, to free ourselves from suffering.
Vipassana meditation is called the direct experience of our reality to the self-observation technique.
In the language used in India at the time of the Buddha "passana" meant seeing things in the usual way, with eyes open, but "Vipassana is observing things as they are, not as they seem.
must penetrate the apparent truth to reach the ultimate truth of mental and physical structure.
By experiencing this truth we learn to stop reacting blindly, to stop generating pollution, and naturally the old defilements gradually are eradicating it.
So we are liberated from misery and experience true happiness.
A Vipassana Meditation Course,
three steps are given:
The first step is to refrain from any verbal or physical act that may disturb peace and harmony of others.
We can not free ourselves of our mental pollution if we continue to work or performing acts of speech that are multiplying these contaminations.
So the first step of this practice is a moral code:
We promise not to kill, not steal, do not have a sexual misconduct, lying and not taking intoxicants.
By refraining from such acts allow the mind to calm down enough to continue.
The second step is learning to control our wild mind trained to focus on a single object:
breathing. We try to keep
attention on the breath as long as possible.
This is not a breathing exercise because they do not try to regulate it, but we observe it as it is, naturally, just as it comes, as it comes.
This will increase
Serenity of mind to not let negativity away by heavy going while concentrating and making it sharper, more penetrating, more able to work internally.
These first two steps:
Living with morality and control the mind, are very necessary and beneficial in themselves, but lead to repression unless we give a third step consisting of:
Purify the mind of pollution, developing the insight of our own nature.
This is Vipassana, the experimentation of our own reality, observing in ourselves, in a systematic and dispassionate phenomenon of mind and matter in constant change that is manifested in feelings.
This is the culmination of the Buddha's Teaching:
The self - Purification through self - observation.
Something that can be practiced by each and every one of us.
We all face the problem of suffering is a universal disease which requires a universal remedy, a remedy is not sectarian.
When we feel anger, anger is not a Buddhist, a Hindu anger, or Christian anger.
Anger is anger.
As a result of this anger we feel agitated, agitation, agitation is not Christian, Jewish or Muslim.
The disease is universal and the remedy must be universal.
Vipassana can be the remedy.
Nobody can object to a code of life that respects the peace and harmony of others. Nobody can object to the development of control over the mind.
Nobody can object to the development of insight of our own nature to enable the liberation of the mind of negativities.
Vipassana is a universal path.
Observing reality as it is, observing the inner truth.
One knows himself directly through experience.
With practice we get rid of the misery that carry pollution. From
external truth, gross and apparent, we enter the Ultimate Truth of mind and matter.
This also ends up transcending and experiences a truth which is beyond mind and matter, beyond time and space, beyond conditional field of relativity: the truth of total liberation from all contaminations of all impurities, all suffering.
No matter the name of this ultimate Truth is the ultimate goal of all of us. Hopefully
experienced this truth Last!
May all be free from pollution and misery!
May all enjoy real peace!
real peace, a real harmony!
Franks Submitted by Cecilia Leonor
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