For Sorema
For anyone who wants, with the energy of the work of IGHLUZ.
are implanted one or more quartz crystals, anywhere in the world, the easiest way, burying them, and thereby creating a center of light and love, may be in their place of residence, introducing the quartz crystal where is the memory of the intention of your own Light and Love, anywhere that you look good ... in a park in an appropriate place in nature ... with a simple, heartfelt ceremony (As they did in many places).
Then, from wherever you are, you can activate it every day with the same ceremony, with the imagination, and expands to infinity all the powerful energy of your own Light and Love
The ceremony can be simple, as each / to believe that he comes from his heart.
Here I expose the ceremony remembering that we recite daily, and can recite all the people who see fit, individually or in groups, to turn around the Earth that each of these energies are, and what everyone can do / to from the place where he belongs residence.
The first time to implement the windows, burying, rather than asset that must be said, implant, and then every day and if we say, active, as is set out below.
With Ceremony: Saying, feeling and being this ...
1 .- I, guardian / na my own pillar of light, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of light, for the greatest good elevated our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
2 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own Love, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of love, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
3 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own unit, active in this place on Earth, the energy of the unit to the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity. 4 .- I
, guardian / na pillar of my own freedom, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of freedom, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
5 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own wisdom, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of Wisdom, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
6 .- I, guardian / na the cornerstone of my own joy, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of joy, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
7 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own peace, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of PEACE, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
8 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own Harmony, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of HARMONY, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
9 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own gratitude, active, in this place Earth, the energy of gratitude, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
10 .- I, guardian / na pillar of my own Truth, active, in this place on Earth, the energy of the TRUTH, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
We put the energies of the 10 pillars of IGHLUZ to activate all the energies of: Light, Love, Unity, Freedom, Wisdom, Joy, Peace, Harmony, Gratitude and Truth, in collaboration with our Higher Selves, to all beings Light is always helping us with the Devas and Elementals of this place, and the Great Energy Universal Cosmic Christ, for the highest good of our dear Mother Earth, and of all humanity.
the end, with all the feeling of what was said, and displaying pure white energy source "Father-Mother God ... it retains a few seconds forming a sphere, compressing and transmuting this pure energy, in our own energy of the 10 pillars that everyone has in itself ... and out with a bang in this area of \u200b\u200benergy, where the area, "the One", is expanding with many areas alike, without ceasing to be "ONE." (3 times the latter) ...
Reciting the same thing every day, from anywhere, to activate con su benéfica energía de ayuda, para el bien más elevado de sí mismo y de todos los demás.
(Son 12 pilares, pero los 2 que faltan los recibiremos hasta el año 2012)
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