Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Hire Anouncementletter

do teachers think

teachers think of many things. Usually we think of academic achievement, developing people, new methodologies, teamwork in development of basic skills and interdisciplinary projects that could be carried out ... That is, we think of many things. We believe in the discipline and especially in the discipline, motivation and especially the lack of motivation, ... In our wages, and suffered cuts to our pay and how lucky we have jobs and luck would have it stop and access to a decent pension, early retirement at 60, which escapes us with the latest approved reforms. And that is still young, and has been fortunate to have work and think about the holidays. And it's lucky to be a teacher or professor, for the holidays is a nail that burns in every two or three months we hold teachers to remain teachers. Because if you're too young to talk to your partners to the arrival of your retirement, now is the non-arrival of retirement, you can always think, and especially talk about the holiday on the other side of the planet that you plan and, where desspliegan nature reserves yet, virginal splendor of paradise.

I propose a apartments or a Cadiz Conil apartments and I'm undecided. The holidays, my summer vacation is still far and I can still choose without strain. But before I have a white week in April and then I will have a Holy Week and from the top of June, how I think in June!, the prospect of the beach and the mountains strongly enhances the sharpness of my hobbies.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why Facebook Is Hiding Some Posts

Training January 3rd week running

Nothing happening here follow weeks of training, a few weeks and some not so good, of course you do not have the same free time to train as one would like but it must be-adapted to what there is. That is going to do. This week was so cold in Madrid and spent than catch pneumonia I preferred to change the outputs of bicycle spinning class and I really do not like it. It is not the same but anything goes and it all adds up. Phrase that I love and that says a great professional as Josef Ajram.

about training have gone pretty breaded and have finally left the following numbers:

Monday: Rest Forced
  • Running: 0:51:17 / 10 km / 598 Kal. Later came work and I got to the gym and running on the treadmill.
  • Abdominals, lower back and stretching
Wednesday: Spinning
  • : 0:45:00 / 645 Kal. Jo as múslossss hurt. Abs and stretching
Thursday: Rest Forced

  • Abdominals, lower back and stretching
  • swimming: 0: 30:46 / 40 long to crawl / 1.250 meters / 15 'smooth swimming and varied + 10 '(2 + 2 large fists outstretched hand long) + 10' (4 long breathing every 3 strokes of 2 + 2 laps long) + 15 + swim smooth and varied
  • Running: 0:51:17 / 10 km / 598 Kal. Later came work and I got to the gym and running on the treadmill.
  • Abdominals, lower back and stretching
  • Spinngin: 0:45:00 / 645 Kal. Jo as múslossss hurt.
  • Abdominals, lower back and stretching

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gucci Laptop Stickers

Cat in the Crossroads. Cosmic Weather Report: Forecast 2011 Special / By Mark Borax

Cat in the Crossroads
Cosmic Weather Report: Forecast 2011 Special
By Mark Borax
January 2011

Cosmic Weather Forecast for 2011: The clash between past and future brings us to unearth brilliant gifts in the history of the heavy burden of his shadow. At the Crossroads of All That Have Been and All That Is To Come, past and future are bombing the world like crazy to catalyze the hidden strength of the human soul. We crossed the intersection when the secret power of our inner nature shows that the skeptics are wrong, transcends the ravages of history, and stands up to claim the position of a life that means something, a love that counts.

Amid this barrage of future, pick one and do it yours. If it looks fuzzy and uncertain guíense only by how you feel rather than how it looks. After a time, rather than their own future, whilst others could enter and could become more substantial than they thought.

Amid criticism of the past, only to witness the old stories and beliefs as you get up before the eye of your mind and go. Like a cat at a crossroads, there is a clear path through the chaos, which is following your intuition and refusing to doubt him. When past and future collide and special provision is needed to weave between them. From the beginning

Jupiter dominates the climate of this year, fostering a purging action in the depths of the species. This is the kind of shock that can unlock the secret desire of his heart, which has the power to shine a laser beam through the mangled wreckage of the past, and something bright and shining light later.

January 4 Jupiter conjunct Uranus makes setting the tone for that year. Jupiter contains the blueprint for human evolution. Uranus takes the most advanced part of a person and makes progress. The conjunction is in Pisces, which, like a vast sea of \u200b\u200bmemory of the species, has layer upon layer, cross currents and undertow of everything we had to ride to reach the present moment. But do not be intimidated by the flood - to secure a new future, everything that impedes the path of freedom must rise and rise and rise before we can clear it.

subtle senses are required to look through the shadows and realize that Jupiter and Uranus are working together with the self-sabotaging qualities of human beings to be free. Released by releasing all the excuses that prevent them from the love they are. Released to realize that and are free.

Have you tried to get somewhere going three steps forward and two steps back? Have sworn to do things differently but have become to fall into the same old routine? Did you forget to keep one vote that needs to be restored?

With two planets as transformers encouraging the ability of humanity out of the way and open, this pattern of forward / reverse bias get much farther forward, especially at the beginning of the year when all fifteen planets direct.

our January 19 release of three weeks without any retrograde planet comes to an end. Do not hold anything for this special release New Year Three-Week-Direct, for this flood of forward movement is not going to repeat anytime soon.

February 3 begins the Year of the Cat. Amid self-sabotage and move forward / backward, change, however, comes at us quickly and quietly as a cat. In this sense, the 2011 is reminiscent of 1963, a year earlier Cat, the year that the sixties really became in the sixties.

was difficult, in 1960, 61, 62-with much of the fifties still hanging around, so convention and normality, "crucial to believe that anything would ever change, or what love was all that was needed.

Uranians But higher levels of ultra-consciousness we rise beyond all the ghosts of the past into a free region to which our planet is entering an alpine region, that it was much harder to hide from ourselves.

Cats are quick to detect the direction in which things are going, down to the ground or flying high and climbing, are martial artists to follow his intention unwaveringly. They combine an ultra-refined collection with quick action in response to subtle signals that others are slow to perceive, but cats certainly well understood.

During this Year of the Cat, tune into what they see and feel and smell, and perceived levels beyond ordinary consciousness. Do not allow your mind to contradict skeptical telepathic awareness of their whiskers. If you feel you near the unmistakable smell of Change cat allow a conscience to guide them through the subtle signals between here and there, until they join with others who are in the same direction, and finally becomes obvious that we are all part of a movement to overthrow and replace normal with miracles and wonders.

arrives in March the opposition of Jupiter and Saturn, known as the Grand Opposition, which occurs every twenty years. Jupiter takes the blueprint of the future, while Saturn contains the patterns of the past. Both have the same rights - because until we learn the lessons of the past can not create anything new to what replacement, and innovation will revert to the same old paradigm into a new package.

Year of the Cat On a previous, 1987, the Harmonic Convergence in August introduced us to the new global consciousness. In August 1963, another Year of the Cat, a Baptist minister in Montgomery, Alabama, led a march in Washington, where he delivered a dream that called for a new future for two races in conflict. Some laughed, some sent death threats, some clung to the madness of the old ways long after they have proven unsuccessful. Others listened to Martin Luther King Jr. on the radio in the roaring silence of the bus, and nodded; million of settlements out of 300,000 souls gathered in the shadow of the Washington Monument across the world. My prediction is that this summer is likely that another large-scale event attracts collective attention to the need for change in a way that will resonate through the years.

The clarion call in 2011 is the same as in 1963: While one of us is chained, none of us are free.

Even when we dropped our chains, however, even if they leave the relationship of low ilk, quit their jobs, they move to a new location, they must drop their internal networks invisible to be truly free. Can cut the chains with a sierra, but require special tools to cut the last of which binds to the scarcity and lack. In chains are the reason that billionaires are starving and few of us realize how good we have until it's gone.

Try it. In this Year of the Cat, set his sights on something in front of you is yours. Focus on it with an unflappable approach hungry cat, and let's take that leap into the future living that extends to where their hearts and minds converge, just across the crossroads. Try to live like this year and let me know, with the subtle telepathic signals from a cat, how it works. If you end up dying once or twice, do not worry about these two lives - they still have seven more.

Who are you really? What came to do here?
How much longer you wait?

Adelante! Mark Borax

Soul Level Astrology

Please share this information as widely as possible. Anyone wishing to subscribe (in English), please do so through my website:
Translation: Margarita Lopez
Edition: The Spring of Caduceus
These and other items of interest file can be downloaded in Word from the site created in for .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
ARTICLES OF INTEREST -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Is The Healthiest Chips


Whooping Cough And Normal Cough

Training January 2nd week training

The truth is that this week I had less hassles professionals so that I could have almost all the time that one may have to go out and train with guarantees and the truth is that it felt so luxurious. I'll see if I can do Thursday slopes and thus enhance plus my legs.

I do not think I had but my brother who is who takes 3 weeks to train land without training by a sore groin and walk inside the poor man fucked up and worried. I send you here a big hug and speedy recovery so we can go out and train together. In this regard I also think we're going to lose the two leagues of the poplar. This race that we have jinxed by A or B always something happens and we can never participate. This is 4 or 5 times that we signed up and did not get to go. I could go but only in a competition run it gives me something. When I'm in for a race I really like the theme to organize all the logistics with him, moments before, stretching ... good hope he recovers soon.

This month I'll close with more than 100 miles on my body if it goes all scheduled workouts but let's see what happens

about the trainers have gone pretty breaded and have finally left the following numbers:

Monday: Forced break
  • Running: 0:51:17 / 10 km / 598 Kal. Later came work and I got to the gym and running on the treadmill. Do not know what is but whenever I use it the next day I have sore knees or hips. We will have to watch
  • Abdominals, lower back and stretching
    Abs and stretching

  • + Running backs: 0:58:54 / 10.46 km / 598 Kal. I went out with the idea of \u200b\u200bgentle jogging and make slopes. When he journeyed to the park suddenly I see a friend of my brother who do not see the cane gave. After running with him nearly 11 miles, I do 4 sets of 200 m. Joe with the damn hill.
  • Abdominals, lower back and stretching
  • swimming: 0: 25:00 / 40 long to crawl / 1.000 meters / 2 sets of 15 'long, 20 (2 long and 1 a strong pace over recovery)
  • Abdominals, lower back and stretching
  • swimming: 0: 25:46 / 40 long to crawl / 1.000 meters / 15 'swim smooth and varied + 10' (2 large fists + 2 long open hand) + 10 '(4 long breathing every 3 strokes + 2 long every 2 strokes) + 15 + swim smooth and varied
  • Abdominal, lumbar and stretching
  • Mountain Bike: 1:15:00 / 30km. First start the year with the mountain bike. I feel more comfortable with the road that must be because I have not caught much. Jo would love to find a group of friends to leave cycling on Sundays and so you get out. Well
  • further searches
  • Abdominals, lower back and stretching

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Sins Are Punishable By Death In The Bible?

The Energies for January 2011 / By Jennifer Hoffman

The Energies for January 2011
By Jennifer Hoffman
January 10, 2011

Walking by Maria Court

January has some wonderful surprises for us as another year of incredible new energy begins to unfold. Chances are they have already begun to see moving in your life and this will continue throughout the month and spread throughout the year. There are several issues for January, which are personal responsibility, balance their needs with those of others, be energetic integrity and use their personal power. And for the first time in many years, in the first 25 days of January there is no retrograde planet or in shadow, enhancing our ability to advance. Any movement

are experiencing now has probably come after a long period of stagnation, where nothing worked, they could not express anything, it was impossible to find the truth in his life, he felt completely without any purpose living in doubt, confusion and fear. These successful demonstrations sudden have a dual purpose, to show they can create something that brings joy, and give them hope. On one level, the Universe knows we have to experience success from time to time to keep up this way. But these are answers to our prayers, so anything that we are creating are manifestations of what we asked.

As we go through this month there will be lessons that we remember the responsibility we have of ourselves, our happiness and our success. We will also see the release of persons and situations that do not contribute to our joy. That said, where we are prevented from moving is that we still have lessons to learn where we are. The faster we learn, the faster we can move forward. Wherever we have been responsible for others, committed to your happiness or responsible for ourselves we will be our areas of greatest lessons in 2011, with many opportunities to drop occurring in January.

And we will see these changes occur globally, as we become more aware of our role as members of a collective consciousness. Use the energies of this month to increase their joy, to find peace within yourself same for the balance of give and take of energy interactions with others, and be in integrity with yourself. What you do this month will be repeated throughout this year and as they experience the results of their efforts, they know where is your next step. So enjoy this moment, but may still be confused and uncertain, no missteps. Each lesson is a self-contained story of the way and a reminder of who they are. Have a great month!
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Copyright (C) 2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life Omnimedia, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected by copyright laws of the United States international and can be freely distributed in its entirety, as long as they include the author's name and the Uriel Heals website, .
Translation: Margarita Lopez
Edition: The Spring of Caduceus
English-language materials to Jennifer Hoffman can be found on
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Dot On Result Line Ept

The future changes the past

The future changes the past

Many think that the past shapes the future. That time only flows in one direction. But something has begun to change since the quantum, in several experiments, has shown that the future influences the past. There is a possibility: that the future change what has already happened. At least this is happening on the subatomic world.

We are all formed by atoms that are influenced by physical forces of the future. Therefore, it is possible in theory, tomorrow change our history. This opens the possibility that the universe itself has a destination, which, as a mysterious magnet to the end of time, is leading this.

Classical physics believed that physical laws could be used to determine the future of the universe. Given enough information, we could know the state would each particle, person or planet. However, quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle, showed that this was not true. Under the uncertainty principle is not possible to know all the properties of a single particle in the same
time. It is impossible to know where and how fast the particle is moving and the more accurate determination of an issue, there is less precision in measuring the other. On a scale quantum particles can exist in more than one place at one time, until the watch. This overlap is one of the central mysteries of physics.

The uncertainty of the quantum world can be seen in a laboratory, for example, if you have two identical radioactive atoms, one can decay in one minute and the second may take an hour to decay. There is no way to explain the different behaviors of each atom or to predict when observing their decay history. This indeterminism contradicted Einstein's famous dictum: "God does not play dice." But if God does not play dice, where is the information that determines what happens to the particles? Ahara is believed we can not see the information that regulates the behavior of matter because there in the past. Comes from the future.

"Nature is trying to say that there is a difference between two seemingly identical particles with different destinations, but that difference can only be found in the future," says Aharanov, who has made a quantum mechanical theory time symmetric, which explains how information in the future could fill this vacuum indeterministic.

Aharanov possibly believe God plays dice with the universe just to create an uncertainty, a sort of loophole through which to exercise an influence on the present, without ever being caught doing it. "Our goal is to discover if Mother Nature has been doing his own post selections, causing these effects appear unexpected."

The probability of a universe like ours simply by chance is extremely remote. If the final state of the universe is defined and extends from front to back to influence the universe from its inception, this amplifies the possibility of the emergence of life and intelligence in the universe.

Notably, affecting the future, past and present, it creates the possibility that the universe has a destiny, a kind of program events to magnetize its final state. The amazing thing is that the "destination" of the universe could have been established both in the past and future. It is possible that God is a kind of horizon in the future that magnetized the universe to be him, and where past and future are wound like a serpent ouroboros [1].

* Rav Michael Laitman is a master's degree in cybernetics, doctor in philosophy and Kabbalah, a professor of ontology and epistemology. He is founder and president of Bnei Baruch and ARI Institute in Israel. More information; / spa and
[1] The ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent with its tail in its mouth. Expresses the unity of all things, material and spiritual, which never disappear but change form in an eternal cycle of destruction and new creation, as representing infinity.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Can My Daughter Get Herpes From Me



Welcome to Monumental Year 2011!

The 2011 is the last year of a three-year phase in which it is
giving birth to a new MUA or major evolutionary cycle


2010 was a breakout year that gave us the long awaited opportunity to experience a transformation in depth, at an unprecedented scale. Many of us were freed from our old coordinates that helped us to disconnect from our old paradigm. In late October during the activation of the Ninth Gate 11:11 in Bali, finally we align ourselves with our new coordinates and many of us emerge as the True. As the True moved around the world, triggered a mass movement, as row upon row of dominoes falling at a time in every direction beyond the farthest horizon, they were changing everything in its path.

Since then, the anchor of the True MRI has required adjustments in depth at all levels. First, we had to readjust our inner self, releasing old folds deeply embedded behaviors, limiting patterns, ancestral fears and emotional residue that were long hidden within. These were things that did not even know were in us and they came to such deep levels. At the same time, we became more free than ever.

During the year, we feel increasingly disconnected from everything around us. Sometimes, even we feel disconnected from ourselves. At times we looked in the mirror and not recognize us - so different we had become. We traveled through countless Null Zones, but they no longer had the power to crush completely. We traveled through raging storms of our perfect storm of enormous value, no matter how intense they were. We looked back and saw the long line of burning bridges to our old ways of being. Sometimes we were crossing the bridges were burning under our feet. But this did not stop us, simply accelerate our pace and move into the New and True.

traveled directly through the centrifugal point and spiraling black holes where we were stripped of everything, even some of the qualities that we loved ourselves. This was very painful at times and made us feel fragile, transparent and naked. But it did the job of making us more true and real. We drove to a whole new world.

As was realigning our essential being increasingly with the resonance of Truth, our exterior landscape began to change in many ways. It was subtle at first. It was like turning on a bit on the stage of a theater, an apartment in a forest. A chair would disappear, then appear a tree instead. The sound of a clock was replaced by the sound of birdsong. The roof gradually transformed into a starry sky. The dark colors of the city became the vibrant colors of new life and fresh.

The changes were so immense, far-reaching and changed our lives to such an extent that by the end of 2010 we had become a new person ... a True.

We have been freeing the old map of the known and have lived through our first experience of a whole new world. And here is where we are to enter the Great Year 2011.


In 2010 we started to wean ourselves from our ancient landscapes. This occurred, whether or not our intention or desire. Our past life, just felt increasingly distant and meaningless. Many of our family activities were no longer satisfactory. Some of our favorite foods were no longer available or a favorite store or restaurant closed. Close friends are away, we lost our job or relationship fell apart. Our old ways of doing things did not work as effectively as before. Some of us even we moved to new places that are very different from what we knew.

In 2011, this sense of disconnection with the past will be multiplied exponentially. In fact, our old map of the known is crumbling in our hands and many of the memories of our past will be deleted. Not only will many elements of our lives up and old situations, but also some of the elements our personal lives that were really comfortable. Many of us find ourselves in new places, which may be in a very different environment that we have known. There will be a huge change in people around us. This has already begun to happen.

Throughout the year, our outer landscape will be subject to unexpected changes that can occur without warning. Some of them may have to do with the dramatic climate changes already occurring on the planet, such as snow in Australia in summer and severe cold in India, while others may be caused by dramatic changes in the Earth or events shocking conditions created by social, political or economic. These changes are necessary to clean the old energies. The 2011 is a year of profound changes in the world of duality void areas around us and a new world based on Truth that like the phoenix rising from the ashes of the coals of duality.

This is because we are freed from the old paradigm of duality and entering a new paradigm of Oneness. This paradigm shift can occur by gently let go or forced ejection when we are pushed out of old situations. No matter what happens, we will have to experience it. There is no way to avoid it, or want to, because this is what is needed most. We have all chosen to be here during this momentous shift from duality to Oneness and all play a role in this process.

At the same time our antiquated spiritual concepts are fading away. Some examples are our old beliefs about the Enlightenment and Ascension. We thought we got the "Enlightenment" and there was nothing else to do or when the time of "Ascension", we would be picked up and dropped off the planet to somewhere better or easier. Finally we realized that this will not happen, because we are "Light" and will not be "rescued" by an outside force, but we are responsible for our own liberation, this can be devastating for those who have pinned their hopes on something that is not true. Suddenly, I turn to face the harsh reality of their daily lives with the awareness that there is no need to escape the physical world, to live fully in the HERE and NOW EXPANDED with our whole being. We must be true regardless of where we are or what is happening in the outside world.

As the world of duality falls apart more and we first entered our New Landscape, we have the feeling that things are not right. This is because the New World is very different from what we expected and the things we carry with us are made to the old landscape.

As we remove the hook of the dying paradigm of duality, we emerge to a whole new world. Each step we take in the New World provides the new map is clearer. Even expert surfers are having a difficult time to surf in the New Map. Just when we think we've reached a pinnacle of expertise, we are pushed to the New Map, and we find that there is a vast new world to discover. The learning curve is huge and powerful. It is when we enter our real expertise that has to do with the acceptance of not knowing, while at the same time, we rely on the true inner knowing that we always in the depths of our being.

is essential that we learn to deal with old situations with new answers as True. Some people moved to its new and more appropriate places, but can not let go of old limiting patterns that have been delayed. This prevents the unexpected and be open to receive with open arms their new reality. The place is new, but they do not. We also have to remain very open to our New World, without any expectation about how things happen there.

In 2011 we will have golden opportunities to completely recreate as True and create exactly the kind of life that we most wanted to live. Living as a True True. Is un lienzo completamente en blanco, así como nosotros, pero no tenemos que sentirnos intimidados por esto. Es emocionante e inspirador.


Nuestra primera experiencia en el Nuevo Mundo, fue suave y acogedora. Esto nos ocurrió a los que estuvimos en la Activación de la Novena Puerta en Bali, cuando abrimos la puerta al Nuevo Mundo. Luego, cuando nos adentramos más profundamente en el Nuevo Mundo, experimentamos un enorme despojo de lo viejo, lo que es similar a atravesar un Agujero Negro. Esta inmersión en el Nuevo Mundo no es suave. Más bien se parece a ser impulsado a través de la barrera del tiempo / espacio. Somos expulsados del Mapa de lo Conocido.

Una vez que llegamos the shores of the New World, we are in shock. Not because the New World is a nice place or a place where we do not want to be. Is the shock of being in a very different and because we are not familiar in the old map, we knew how to apply our skills and knowledge well developed and where we knew the location of everything.

At first, not many anchor points in our New World. Sometimes it helps to create small islands of what is familiar, especially when we are in a territory as vast unknown. We can find small comfort to make everyday tasks such as preparing breakfast and doing laundry. We can create a small space with things that are sacred to us. Then, as our New Life evolves, we begin to make new friends, find a favorite restaurant and we align with what nourishes naturally in our new environment.

In the New World, adjust our behavior and start doing things we never did before. Here's an example I personally I've never regularly used a clock in my life. Only use it when I fly. Now I'm living in Peru, where one might think that a watch is not necessary, however suddenly I'm using clock permanently! And it is proving very useful ...

Just arrived to our New World we must be very careful not to fall into our old reactions and automatic responses. If this happens, keep us from living fully in the New World. We must stop looking at things with the old assumptions and judgments because they simply are not true.

Some of us are moving to totally new physical environments in which nothing is equal to the above. Do not be surprised if things fall in place once they are there. It may be uncomfortable and unpleasant at first, because our new world requires a whole new level of adjustments and skills. We are being pushed into a very steep learning curve. But it is also very useful for our New World is so different because it allows us to do almost anything in the way as we did before. Our New World may be required to speak in a different language, that interact with a different culture, we can not find food we used to eat. This gives us the out of old patterns, as our old patterns are impossible to maintain in an environment so different.

Other change of environment not move out of place, but changing the way of life in its present location. We will all have opportunities to change our way of life. Some of these changes may happen from what once we deemed as unfortunate circumstances such as job loss, natural disaster or the end of a relationship. All these events simply close a door to the old and give us the opportunity to open a new door to a more fulfilling life.

At times, this may raise some fears of losing our old master - and this is true. However, we also have the opportunity to develop expertise in greenfield areas. It feels like a treasure hunt continues, as we go through the maze collecting the necessary information, make useful contacts and learn what they need at all times. If we travel in a direct and linear, we could lose these necessary experiences.

know that we have to stay wide open, but Sometimes this becomes an empty concept, we fail to practice. My openness to new and unexpected, things that extend far beyond my comfort zone, they are tested every day. I consider myself quite open, however, I am continually finding ways in which I'm not. This is a really good lesson. For example, I've been looking for the right house to live, since I moved to Peru in early November. I spent my first weeks in a hotel, then found a temporary home. The owner of this house back within a week, so I'll have to find a new place to live soon. It would be easy

for me to see this labyrinthine journey to my new home as a difficulty or feeling confused as to why they came directly to him. Sometimes, I have tried as doing something wrong. But now I realize that every step of my journey has been very valuable. In my search for a home I had to talk to new people. Along the way, I made some dear friends and learned a lot from my experiences with them. If I had moved directly to the right house just when I first got to Peru, have spent most of my time there and I would have lost these valuable experiences, information and new connections.

is why we have to remain open at all times and remember that, as True, we are actually in the Central Point of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE at all times, even when we feel it is not as.

First, Second & Third Wave and Bridges in the New Landscape in 2011.


The First Wave are those souls who have been on the planet for a long time. They came here under the Master Number for Anchoring the New. They are experienced on Earth and have amassed an abundance of wisdom and knowledge.

When the first wave arrived in the New World, for the first time, had a great challenge. Suddenly, his well-developed expertise is no longer effective. They have no sense of being in control, and instead have to learn to listen and open up new methods. Although they are accustomed to live and work alone, being alone and not feeling well. It is time that are surrounded by many people. Although they are moving beyond their comfort zone, enjoy exploring the new landscape. Now that they have fulfilled their purpose of Anchor Old New, they are willing to reinvent themselves completely and accept his new purpose. They would not return to his old world even had first class tickets for free!

BRIDGES Bridges are
combination of the First and Second. Some bridges are more deeply aligned with the First Wave and others with the Second Wave. Belong to the Master Number 33.

Bridges have been working hard from behind, creating new concepts that facilitate more effective communications and create art. The results of this will be seen in 2011. Bridges are the group who have the biggest problem with the exterior landscape change because they feel insecure in very broad, indefinite, uncertain economic or without rules. Of course, arise in a New World is entering a situation that is broad and undefined. This often makes them feel unsafe, scared or overwhelmed. Some of them may even consider staying in your old reality limited.

The New Landscape, Bridges is useful for small areas become familiar with well-defined. This will make them feel more comfortable. This could be physical activities in which they can develop expertise quickly. This will give some comfort and confidence that will enable them to master more and more areas of the New Landscape. THE SECOND WAVE

The Second Wave are new souls who have less stock on Earth. They came here under the Number 22 for the construction of the New. They have plenty of fresh energy and new ideas and are eager by creating the New World. The Second Wave

have already made the leap to action. Are busy finishing up all the old, developing their skills and preparing for bigger shares. But it is important not to get carried away by his enthusiasm and eagerness to take action, forgetting the old behavior and modify any of the concerns that need to be refined or processed before they can live fully in the New Landscape. As soon as they have done, may enter fully into the New Landscape and share his immense gifts. THE THIRD WAVE

The Third Wave comes from a fresh new world. They come with full awareness and many new methods and skills and useful.

New Third Wave are brimming with confidence and enthusiasm. At this time, they are like machines that are warming up ready for action. Roar of power. The Third Wave are preparing a creative level, although this can sometimes feel more like a game. However, they have a pretty awesome game. Their true purpose is revealed later this year.

As soon as the Third Wave see the New Landscape, jump to it. They really love the new world being born and have no problems to meet him. His problem was to fit the old world, the New Landscape is what they were expecting. When together with other Third Wave, their actions create a new sacred geometry. OUR NEW PURPOSE

The 2011 discovery of an entirely new purpose did not know. The revelation of our new resolution is possible because we are now emerging as True. Our new purpose does not appear as ideas or concepts - it's more like a gust of cool breeze. But the moment that we feel, we know it to be Real and True. When we try to see our new purpose with more clarity in order to define, it becomes elusive and escapes us, but the feeling remains. If we try to apply old methods and old concepts to describe it, quickly see that none is applicable. Our New Purpose is something totally new. Comes from beyond our current perceptions. Each time he returns to the cool breeze of our New Purpose, acknowledge the feelings it evokes within us and it triggers our inner knowledge of what is to come, even though we can not put into words.

When we have a glimpse of our new Purpose, is at such a broad and far-reaching that we almost take your breath away. But we do not feel overwhelmed. This is because it is a natural extension of who we are. Our New Purpose

can still use skills we have not noticed we have. Or skills we knew within ourselves but never took it seriously or do not use much. Skills could be used as a hobby. Or we can take our skills better developed to implement a totally new, it will be much more creative and fun. Or we can be complete with our old skills and decide to develop other skills entirely new. It's our choice. Our new purpose is totally new and unexpected. Could lead in a direction that we have never considered. We could do something we never thought we would. However, when we discovered our new Purpose, is exciting and fresh and feels incredibly well.

To discover our new purpose, we must first of all, become true. We must also free of any thought with which we can not do anything new or can not do something that we failed in the past. These limiting beliefs prevent us from seeing our new purpose because it can not be perceived through the filter of "I can not." Without this filter, we can see a myriad of possibilities that were previously hidden.

Our new purpose requires us to leave our old order and then to see it. Definitely not find him in mind. Our new purpose may appear with a crazy idea that comes from "nothing." Come to us when we are fully aligned with the RIGHT TIME - RIGHT LUGA.

walk the path of Love

The road we travel in the New Landscape, is the Way of Love in the Way of Love is not necessary to give or receive love, we just LOVE. It is our natural state of being. Going along the Way of Love means that we put our love into everything we do. Emanate TRUE LOVE PURE HEART wherever we go. This does not mean we like everything and everyone, and we have to put up with everyone and everything. We can emanate TRUE LOVE PURE HEART to the person in front of us while we are saying we do not want to be near you. This does not diminish our love. True

can only walk the Way of Love It is also true that the Way of Love is the only path that can traverse True. What else could it be?

The True develop their skill by the Way of Love is her deepest desire to interact with other beings in the level TRUE LOVE PURE HEART, A True to True. In the Path of Love we communicate with love and honesty. We do not have to speak in a soft tone or use special flowery words - pure and open our hearts tell us how to interact with Truth in every situation. We might agree or disagree, accept or reject, support or stop - any action or reaction from the PURE HEART TRUE LOVE is adequate. And even when the other person is upset by our honesty - deep to finally understand.

In the path of Love, from time to time we may stumble. We find a person that we could never love. These people help us to deepen and strengthen our love in a way that would not have been possible without them. Sometimes, we feel that we're not in the Way of Love is when we are closed, that the world is too much for us and we are having problems opening our hearts others. Then simply stop doing what we're doing, and began to smile. If suddenly you can not just smile, then remember a pleasant situation, a kind person or a feeling related to love you had in the past. Fill your loving smile and then take it to your heart. Do it as many times as needed, usually you can feel the effect after a short time to be smiling.

The Way of Love we can find disharmony and disagreement. Our Love is not a protection against the concerns and struggles within ourselves or with others. This is a misunderstanding of the Way of Love, thinking that everything in our inside and around us will be smooth and enjoyable because we are in the Way of Love may not be for anything like that. Not the 'Love and Light "New Era, is real and true.

The True walk the Way of Love without expecting rewards. We walk the Way of Love, simply because it is the only way in which we feel comfortable and fulfilled.

As more and more are emerging as the True, the resonance of TRUE LOVE PURE HEART will become stronger. This link LOVE people like never before. Many different types of people who did not interact with each other before, are now woven into the Oneness and Truth. This deep LOVE will also be the basis for new and creative that will serve the ONE. This is truly the One Being in Action. OVERVIEW

2011 The 2011 is a year very, very powerful! If you thought that there were many changes last year, just wait to see what will happen this year. The 2010 seem calm and quiet compared to 2011. This is a year of NO DOWN - NO RETURN in the way they used to be Things will close.

In 2011 the Great Wheel of Fate will be touring. It is a momentous year that many of us have waited a long time with a sense of excitement. It is the year of the completion of long journey of transformation than twenty years, through the 11:11 Doorway. This is why the activities of the past 11:11 Gate will take place later this year. This will announce the final transcendental a very long life cycle.

Many of us have the feeling that something big is coming. And it is. Throughout the year dramatic changes occur. This is the last year of three years ICCL MUAs. (Mua origin is a Tahitian word meaning "In the beginning," the "before" anything else. It means the beginning of a whole new life cycle).

The world of duality will collapsing. Will be exposed more layers of corruption and lack of integrity. All that is built on a false start to crumble or change. We must be prepared for some shocking events. These occur throughout the world, but be careful particularly to the United States and Europe, although the events in these two areas might not happen until 2012.Continuarán drastic changes in climate, as well as changes in land . Not so much a question of what will happen but how to react to what happens. If we stay as True, Everything will be fine.

While duality collapses and the Earth itself is balanced, there will be a stream of LOVE and TRUTH. A larger number of people leave the old patterns, to accept the changes and emerging as True. More and more begin to inhabit the new world being born. This is

the time of our rebirth. The rebirth of humanity. The revival of the Truth. The rebirth of Planet Earth. The gathering as a unique being. Births can be messy and bloody though, are a vital and full of miracles. While we are in the midst of labor pains, it is important to remember that any instability can be turned off immediately or can be transformed. The duality is going to collapse, but need not occur with shocking events also can be transformed quickly and smoothly just by giving a turn to something more aligned with the Oneness.

The 2011 emphasizes that took places in the correct position to begin with our New Lives. IF they feel they are in the right place, find out what is the right place for you as soon as possible. Do not let nothing hold. Many people worry about being in a place that is "safe." If you go to where your true heart leads you to be, you're in the right place. Do not worry that it is "safe", only to feel right for us. True always at the RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE.

is also time to meet with other True. The time for being lonely hermit finally concluded. This year we will interact with new people that we can not yet imagine.

Throughout the year, will change our roles established. For example: A person who has worked in the office would suddenly decide to become a chef, or a person who has always lived in the same big city can move across the world to a small and remote. But the roles are changing at a much more profound than a mere change of occupation or location. A person in a position of leadership can make this entirely aside to work with others on a higher level of co-creativity. Someone who has always been a follower can suddenly assume the responsibility of being in charge. Many of us dive willingly and enthusiastically in new situations and new roles for which we must learn from scratch.

The 2011 requires efficiency and effort, plus the participation of our whole being. It will take courage constantly because travel outside the Map of the Known and beyond previous limits of our comfort zones. No guides or maps will not save our inner knowing. There will be plenty who do not understand and much to learn. Everything is absolutely new for us. And this precisely is what makes it fun and exciting, sometimes difficult and overwhelming.

Now we can create exactly the life we \u200b\u200bwant, we can recreate ourselves. We can live real lives as True. To do so, we must take everything we are, everything we've ever been in this world and beyond and take the HERE and NOW EXPANDED.

The first half of 2011 will focus on reaching our better position to then be able to come completely to the New World. As soon as we are in position, we must learn to navigate our New Landscape. Often, the new navigation system will feel as if we were going through windy maze. Things do not happen in a direct or linear. Not happen the way you think they will. However, it is precisely this winding journey through the unexplored realms of our New World will give us the perfect experience, special contacts and information they need most. Sometimes we may feel confused or overwhelmed because there is much that still do not understand. It will take more courage and steady opening of which have ever fully agreed to enter the New World.

The focus for the second half of 2011 will be fully inhabit our new world as it truly living a real life and aligning with our new purpose as One Being in Action. This is the time when our New Life officially begin the fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams will manifest itself in ways never imagined as possible.

The 2011 is an intense year, full of action, great advances, breakups, love, courage, clarity, effort, efficiency, challenges, generalized transformation and total brilliance. Where we are and who we are is very important. If you're in the right place and right people, everything will be much easier and more fun. This is the year to begin to live fully in the HERE and NOW EXPANDED because it is returning our dominant reality and will soon be the only one.


May the Great Year 2011 brings us to the right place and right people with the flowering of our Wildest Dreams, Compliance of our new Purpose and Love of all loves.


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Solara 2011 All Rights Reserved
Translation: Patricia

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Loosing Verginity Vediod

21 new paradigms for children / by Alejandro Jodorowsky

21 new paradigms for children
By Alejandro Jodorowsky

1.-You are a want. You are here because the universe wanted it. 2.-

feel that you are free to be who you are, do not let anything or anyone label you or you impose scripts that do not correspond with your authenticity. 3.-Each

ancestor in your tree is a gift that is within you to be used to your advantage and to the entire Universe. 4.-Learn

not ask for love, just love.

5.-Cree in small miracles every day and attends to the matches, there are hidden messages in them that lead you in the right way.

6.-Every day, make a generous act with someone close.

7.-If your family tree had traumas, heal acting.

8.-Be guided by your body is wise. He will alert you to situations that you should walk away, feeling tension and discomfort. Also tell you when you are aligned with who you are, feeling relaxation and wellness. 9.-

not contaminate your body with toxic or poor nutrition.

10.-As soon as you can, be independent. It works by using your creativity and become adult.

11.-Write a poem every day. 12.-Looking

and creates situations that make you laugh.

13.-tend to share, to collaborate to be supportive.

14.-When you have problems, you can analyze it, you can talk, but be sure you do not act until the transformation will not occur.

15 .- I am grateful for everything that gives you the universe.

16 .- remember that nothing in this plane of existence perishes, but transformed.

17.-Lee, study, called ... experience for yourself.

18.-Do not be attached to anything material. No consume what they do not need. 19.-Nor

cling to any belief. Just as your body is constantly renewing itself, so must do the ideas.

20.-Sowing seeds every day that you come from inside or outside. The seeds can be words, touch, beauty, actions. They are the seeds of greater wisdom, love, art and health. 21.-

with great care the territory that is beyond your body, your home, your neighborhood, your city ... the planet and the universe. Alejandro Jodorowsky

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Prom Dresses From Fairweather

Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home. November 15, 2010. ~ The evolution of matter ~

Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home
~ The evolution of matter ~
November 15, 2010
modifying our carbon component

The Re-minders from Home Beacons of Light are live online presentations, transcribed and submitted in English on 15 of every month.

Have you seen the beginning of the movie 2012? The premise is very interesting because it is closer to reality than we thought possible. Does it mean the predictions of the rest of the film are also correct? Not really. But the main point is that the continuous eruptions of the sun are beginning to change what we know as matter. Not the end of the world unless we decide to go in fear and make it so. It is clearly an evolutionary process that will take everything to the next level. You could say that the coal is becoming a diamond before our eyes! Enjoy the Ride
feel like we won! Steve

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Home Greetings

dimensional Portales

The energy of this room just changed because it has opened a dimensional portal. Most of you felt the change. It feels like an expansion of space and has been going on for some time. Every time you think someone who has died or something they feel the other side of the veil, if you hold that view, it opens a dimensional portal and they are there. You can access them at all times. Have experienced this during its entire existence on Earth, but now some of the attributes are changing. Its sensitivity has increased, so that dimensional portal collected at different levels and learn to use it. Dimensional portal that is being used by a lot of other beings throughout the universe. Has been used to observe what is happening on planet Earth at this time. Dear, there was never a dream and not even sensed that humanity could reach this height at this point in its evolution. In fact, you have advanced so much in recent weeks that some systems do not seem to serve them. Things that used to be very important to you now have to be reconsidered again. Often, the patterns set to enjoy your days or for a purpose not going to fit in the same way, because you moved even faster than the most grandiose dreams they had for themselves.

is for this reason that every being in the universe has been informed of what's happening on planet Earth and many of them can change dimensionally to observe and be here to help. There are many individuals who want to help make that transition because you are very close, a transition like this had ever happened. Never has there been a transition like this in game one of the universe, that is, the enthusiasm and vision that is available. They may feel a bit uncomfortable to consider that they are being watched every moment of the day. How am I doing? What does it mean for me? You had not realized this until recently and now can understand the reason that there are no more secrets, no more. The work that awaits them now is to adapt to live in that environment. That is work, because you have progressed faster than expected, however it is a happy work. Although it requires effort to achieve harmonization at those levels, we guarantee you will love and bring home more quickly than imagined. This will allow you to enter parts of the sky at home and settle them down on Earth to create their own vision of heaven on earth, because they are the center of your universe, you did not know. Harmony

This message is heard each and every one of you. However, now that harmony between you determine to what extent will screen then to the universe. Its harmony with neighbors, friends and enemies will determine its next steps, because humanity changes not only at an individual level but also at a collective level. It's very exciting to watch and see that you also are full of joy to take those steps and at the same time feel a bit scared, a little worried to see where the leads, as it is something unknown. We tell them that they could be on another path that would lead more directly Home. They could not be better place than they are now, so the first thing they ask is that you inhale it and the magnificence aprópiense have developed so far. That required to take the hands of everyone else to take the next steps because although it is happening to each and every individual people, will also be happening to everyone at the same time.

locks to the beauty

There are many different levels of vibration or progress, not only on Earth but throughout the universe. There are many, many games in the universe that are closest to the vibration of the earth. However, none of them started in this range vibration or was able to advance and evolve into a totally different vibrational range remaining in their physical bodies. Normally, the Earth and its inhabitants had gone to start the game again and take it to the next level. And yet, here are making the transition without having to wait for that to happen. Have once again brought forward his reality, so we would like to tell you about some of the effects and what can be seen as the beauty starts to develop. Now the secrets are disappearing in all areas. This adjustment is also presented with a time of beauty that never existed before on Earth, so get ready for that. How would you feel if somebody could see them every moment of the day? Yes, it is already happening and we have to tell you when they think nobody is watching, is when they are more beautiful than ever. These are the times that allowed them to love themselves. Many times the character they create and to show others, blocks its own beauty. So, work at it and play with it. Find ways to be more transparent.

This leads to an important point. We know it is very difficult to understand, but you are god. That is the essence of what they perceive to be God and what we treat all religions. All that considered magical, it was just a reflection of his power, and are now learning how to use it intentionally. The biggest problem I have us on Earth is that you have egos, and ego tells them that if you are god, should be the only god. You will discover very quickly that this is not true, the next level of work will be about how to get along and make room for other gods.

energy intake

His body is also changing to a crystalline structure. This physical change is not only to move from a carbon composition to a composition of silicon but, in fact, is the change of the element of carbon into a crystalline structure. In addition, the physical body is greatly affected by rapid technological advancement in the field of medicine. For example, let us point out that humans have always sought to improve the physical body to produce a specific result. Currently on earth there Cleaning awareness of body builders and athletes who used steroids illegally to sculpt their bodies. However, they are just a few steps to understand the genetics, solving many of the ancient secrets of mankind. Energy intake will be understood and used to balance the physical body. With an efficient method of supply, there will be no need for landfills and the effects of steroids may enter the body without leaving any traces. Check the medical journal of the Earth for more discoveries in different areas of medicine, as science continues to unite physical and metaphysical.

We are talking about only one area, although there are many, but let us present this as an example. Athletes want to sculpt their bodies to be stronger and faster and now they have learned to do without external influences. Even GM can do ... permanently. This will confuse many of legislators and those who are watching the athletes as they try to decide whether this is a hoax, because all humanity is being redefined now. Your physical being is directed towards the essence of what they really are and can now accommodate and interact to a greater degree, its essential spirit within the physical body. Their new physical bodies can hold more light and crystals can hold more light than coal.

now is coming to an instantaneous reaction, which are capable of sustaining its light more efficiently than before. The physical changes the body will start releasing their ability to connect to Home. Many of you have felt. Many of you have worked on it at different levels and have used it in their daily work, which is very beautiful. Now more than ever, everything is focused on what will grow. That has always been that way because you are creative, and everything now focus on what will grow quickly, because many of the old blinders and filters that used to protect themselves, are no longer needed. Are beginning to understand the true magnificence of what is to be human.

The cosmic joke

You are a reflection. God has been done to his image or you have been made in the image of God, and that's the cosmic joke. You are looking in the mirror and all they ask is that you take responsibility for it. Hold it, use it all you want, but first take responsibility for their own happiness. His concept of the existence of a supreme being is still valid, because what they call God is, indeed, the collective vibration of all things. Discover all that causes them joy, which makes them pleasure and a smile on his face. Let every cell of your body is rejuvenated, because that is what we all work in the coming years and not just during 2012. As the first steps towards the new world and do as human beings are evolving in an environment Again, happen every day, little by little.

What is happening now is they will learn to do many of those things internally, without external influence to which they have prejudged. Know that this is due, in part, because they are a god who can go inside and change yourself, because they brought with them a part of Home. You brought a piece of the puzzle that we can not build until they are ready to bring to the table. It is happening now, more than ever before because energy is already flowing. Already decided and already taken the first steps and we are very proud of you.

We've been talking this way for eons, yet there recently that humans have been listening. We hope you understand that not only is that they listen through their ears. It is not only the transmission or hear our message through the Guardian. Instead, it is to listen yourself, for your spirit to hear them speak directly if only given the chance and open that door.

We leave you with three little reminders because you love them. We are very honored when asked to be treated always with respect. Nurture one another whenever they can. Re-member that it is a beautiful game and play one well combined.


Group ............................................. ......... Connecting the heart

By Barbara Rother

Happy Birthday! Barbara
took this month to share with family and celebrate his birthday. Return next month.
................................................. ............................................... Lightworker is a corporation
conscious non-profit dedicated to expanding the Light through empowerment. Lightworker

PO Box 34838 Las Vegas, NV 89133 +1 702 871 3317

Copyright Notice: Copyright 2000-2010
Lightworker. This information is to be circulated and can be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, according to the following conditions: 1. The words "Copyright 2000 - 2010 Lightworker" must appear included in any published material. 2. You agree that all rights, including "copyrights of translated material, remain the property of Lightworker. You can find out more about Steve and the Group: and English on Thanks for helping to spread the Light!
Translation and Editing:
team of volunteer translators of

.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. January 2011 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

Sebaceous Cysts University Of Michigan

Working with the Creative Force - The New Frequency - 3rd Party / By Aluna Joy Yaxk'in ~ Sacred Valley, Peru

Working with the Creative Force
The New Frequencies
the 3rd party
Yaxk'in By Aluna Joy ~ Sacred Valley, Peru
September 20, 2010

The following is the third part of the third message we received during our most recent trip to PERU, September 2010. You can find other posts on our website under the link entitled "Articles on Personal and Planetary Transformation" (in English). We are sharing this message with you here as we receive it, in the present tense, with little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages we receive are not just for our groups, but also for humanity. So as you read this, imagine you were there with us ... the Masters and Star Elders tell me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. Might want to imagine they are sitting with us in the Andes.

are in the midst of great change. At this important moment, it is imperative that we keep a positive mind as much as possible. This does not mean falling into denial about the problems that arise in order to remain positive. Do you know the saying: "Being in the world ... but not of it"? Teachers are telling us that we are authentic and are aware of the atrocities of the world without being affected by them. Do not become a new era for the ostrich that "all good", which buries its head in the sand when the darkness lifts his tired old head. This is pseudo-enlightenment and pseudo-master. This new era calls us to be authentic and conscious and aware of what is happening around us in the world. This is to see an issue or a problem, instead of devoting our energy the case, it is consciously withdraw our energy situation. If you are attracted to some drama, or if they see any negative issue, rather than fight it or try to force her to change, we must realize that we are part of that creation.
The Masters say that the most appropriate action to take is actually withdrawing our light of the situation and know-how to do, in fact we reduce the problem. As in war for example ... if you fight back, no matter how justified we may feel, what we are doing is just feeding the war and giving energy. We are learning to consciously withdraw our energy of negative situations and not to feed the dark side of duality. We are learning not to fight evil, but to work with love.

There is an old Cherokee story about two wolves ...

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that was raging within him. He said: "My son is between two wolves. One is evil: Anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is good: Joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. "The grandson thought for a minute and then asked his grandfather:" Which wolf wins? "The old Cherokee simply replied," The one I feed. " ~ Author Unknown

Conscious creation is a muscle that has atrophied over the cycles of darkness in most of us. The more we practice the positive intention and conscious creation, the less we will see or be exposed to negative situations. There's a fine line between opinion and insight, with which we all have difficulties. What we are talking about is the simple insight and just call things what they are. The trial has an emotional charge that comes with him. The real insight not. Discernment has no ego and is neutral. We do not want to make judgments because that creates karma.

is increasingly evident that the whole physical creation is out of alignment with love will dissolve. The situations and negative things, including toxic waste on the planet, war, co-dependency, abuse, and all the issues based on the drama / ego can not survive in this new energy. Nobody is getting away with it. We are experiencing instant karma. The problems they are being pushed to the surface, because they can not survive in this energy. Anything that is out of alignment with the sheer force creative nature will return and destroy itself. So yes, there will be many changes on Earth. What will emerge from this new energy is a new world, and I have total faith that it will be a fairly easy transition. Chances are you are not part of the changes more challenging, because they have done their homework. They cleaned out their lockers. BUT ... will be available to help others who need your help now.

We must be faithful to our hearts, and this will include speaking our truth and lose our attachment to the results. Many times we want to serve others and then expect that to be well received. But when we see that it is not on especially in family matters, we feel bad. We must lose our attachment to the result, and do what we are called to do. If people like the council or whatever we do, great. If not, we let it go and move on. Thus, our future actions are made more effective service and is much easier for us emotionally. We remain in a more positive mindset.

When we live from our truth and our hearts, we may lose some false friends, but we will win some more appropriate. Similar frequencies attract. So if you do not like where they are, it is probably because they are reducing their frequency to not make waves. This does not going to work because we were born to make waves. We must be ourselves, because when we temper our lights, we are not honoring ourselves and the Spirit, and allowing the divine merit. When WE resonate and who we are, we will attract like-minded people.

We are in a shift of the ages. The future will result as the catastrophe at the end of the era of Atlantis. This change is not the end of the world ... but for people out there that is attached to this world, will appear to the world for them. It will not be so difficult for us, because we already have our eyes on something bigger and brighter. We have been releasing the old world, and have been dreaming again ... for years! So how we will experience the change only depends on what we are attached and what vision of the future hold in our hearts.

We are becoming living rays of golden sun disc, which is a manifestation of the sun's energy on Earth. In every place I go, let's connect this light around the planet. Archangel Michael likes to refer to her as a sweet, sticky honey. It will spread around the globe and will adhere to it. This energy is in a much stronger than I've ever seen since I've been making these pilgrimages. We've all been waiting a long time. Some of us have been waiting for this since we were children. We're starting to see the manifestation of what we've been waiting for.

We are beginning to express this new world right now. We feel we've been waiting and dreaming of this new world. The truth is that this "dream wish" actually we have been creating a new paradise in spirit. Manifested mainly in the form is always created in the spirit first. Unknowingly, we have been germinating an Eden paradise ... a seed from which will emerge a new world. This is the world we have been waiting for. Is that we believe in our hearts.

A question emerged from the second part of this message ...

What that powers the Sun Disc ..., where is your energy?

The album is self-generating solar ... has its own power, and we, only we have forgotten. The solar disk is a generator. Gets its power of pure intent and source of all that IS. It is a place where everything starts. We will learn more over time, as we wake up even more. The Golden Sun Disc is still not completely out of the intra-dimensional city. It's still coming. I think we're connecting with it now, but more is coming. Glad not everything is here once, because that would be hard for us to adjust.

A group member said ... "It almost feels like I've been content with sacred geometry."

Yes, that was close but not exactly true, because for now, is the only language we have to describe what we watching. The Golden Sun Disc is a larger frequency ... a higher level of sacred geometry. This energy is connected to the physical gold that made the disc. Until this gold comes from higher dimensions. It contains the wisdom of a more advanced geometry we know today. The solar disk is the creative force of the universe condensed. Therefore, it is something we do not understand at this point, not yet. It's like the way we work with the Mayan calendar ... the way we work with him is at its lowest absolutely. Call schedule is almost a lack of respect to energy. It is a multi-dimensional field from which all things are created. The Star Elders drew the map of these cycles on Earth, and that's what the Mayan calendar used as living today. What we know today is something like an echo of what is really true. Let us understand this more as time passes. We all have those "aha" when suddenly, Boom, something is clear to us instantly. This is because we have evolved enough in the spiral of evolution that we can really understand a higher level.

"What drives were used Golden Sun?"

The Golden Sun Disc was used for a multitude of things. Whatever you can imagine it was used. There were at least two, and is likely to have been more. When the Masters Andean hit a record, made a sound ... vibration. In this vibration, could travel in time. They could go anywhere. Could send healing energy. Could send a message. Virtually anything you can imagine. The Solar Disc was a way to condense the creative force of the universe into something that could be used, but at the same time keep it located in a secret location until the Earth was ready to have this energy around the globe. Will affect the physical, spiritual ... whatever you can imagine. We can imagine a lot! So, as the old saying goes ... be careful what you wish for! The energy

Gold Disc could not be allowed to be worldwide, because it was too strong for those containing negativity in their hearts ... and would be misused. Here in the Americas, it is still used at the height of civilization Inca. But on the other side of the Earth, humanity was lost in the dark. The reason that the Americas were not in the dark is because the teachers were still in physical form and held the light here. They contained the dark cycle that the earth had to cross. At one point, could no longer restrain it, and knew that the Earth had to go into the darkness of the cosmic womb to be reborn. They hid the gold discs to keep them pure. They also worried that they could magnify the dark cycle to the point that humanity could not survive. Humanity would have destroyed our planet, feeding the bad wolf. We're beyond that point now. We have reached a critical mass in the group. There are too many who are waking up and holding the light in their hearts. We will not destroy the planet, but if they open their eyes and see the news, it appears there could. This is only because the media are still full of people who want to play the game of duality and drama.

Who are feeding the bad wolf is going to tire of it quickly, because they will not be able to maintain that level of darkness. They will not be able to stay in their bodies still contain negative energy or where they control and hurt others. We are all connected. What we do each other, we do ourselves. All projected outward negative energy will return to its owner.

The Star Elders held the power of creation (Golden Sun Disc) in small and safe places on Earth. They did this also in the Maya lands. In Palenque, you can still feel its light and power. They kept the energy in small areas to keep connected to the Earth, while the rest of the Earth was passing through the darkness. Then, when we have evolved enough and adequate time has come, now, this energy is released, and then the entire Earth can return back to the light. The energy is now receiving is not really the solar disk. It's just pure energy contained and protected for a while. If this is happening now is a sign that we must be prepared for that. We are just now having this pure energy that will flood the entire planet, because otherwise we would not feel now.

"How you will feel this new world?" Because we are entering a whole new paradigm, the best thing I can think of is that you will feel like kindergarten. There will be plenty to learn, but we will learn from the innocence of a curious child, and I know we will be well supervised. We will re-learn our ABC, because it is an energy completely new. We are already doing. We've been doing for years ... bit by bit. What I say is going to be a whole new world, and the basic laws of nature change. The essence or basis of nature and how it evolves over the world will change. So we must learn about it. But we will like, because there will be a freedom that comes with this new world. We will be less restricted. We will be able to use more than our abilities.

lower dimensions are more natural laws. The higher dimensions are less laws. I used to think that the law was as punishment for not being awake, but in reality is that the universe loves us. The universe knows we can not take care of ourselves when we are asleep, so we're restricted to safe.

Remember that at the beginning of this pilgrimage, said that the word appeared strong was "freedom" ... "Freedom", "Now" and "Equilibrium." The more we awaken, we have fewer rules. We know that we are natural rule breakers, levers and shakers of the boat. We like to live outside the rules ... rules that our families are still, and the rules are still our friends. We break the rules, and that is because we are awakening. So the more awake, less rules and restrictions we have. Creates a natural awakening of the consciousness revolution.

We are starting afresh in a New Era. Going to be surprising, since it is a whole new world, young children and we shall explore this new world. Even Yeshua said that we enter the new world we must become like little children. This is very important. Young children do not go out the door with a whole plan of what to do during the day. Do not do that. They go out the door and anything that the world they present is what you end up doing. Could play ... could go do this ... could go to do that. If you fall and scrape your knee, scream like mad, then get up and start playing again. Do not deny what is happening to them. They are at the moment. Are real and true to themselves. A

us have been trained as adults to ignore and avoid our feelings, and worry about the future, and feel bad about the past. We've talked before about not bury our heads in the sand. This also applies here ... face what is happening, then go ahead. That's basically what the children. They fall down and cry, and then the next minute they are laughing and clowning around again. The idea is to eliminate the issues ... crying, screaming and kicking. I go out and shouted to the stars. Have tantrums and kicked to the ground. Get him out of you. Then go, and let the light again.

Our children are trained to swallow their feelings as they grow. When we get older, it teaches us to be adult and mature. What this means is that gorge all the hurt and pain within us. All this builds up, and soon we become volcanoes that erupt frequently. Here is where the war comes. We can exploit for something small, and we wonder why we bother so much a thing so small. It is because we are sitting on a powder keg of things I never tried. So we have to be like little children.

Teachers Andean want us to be light and happy and cheerful. Spiritual awakening can not be a serious project and heavy. An event must be very happy. Teachers live in the heart with joy. Joke, and not take things so seriously. They are not afraid of anything. Do not act like victims. They demand their God-given power they recognize as their own ... ... and we should recognize our own. Take it easy in the NOW, keeping it balanced and positive, and do everything with as much joy as possible.
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Copyright © 2010 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article provided that the contents are complete, credit the author (s), and distributed free. Centro del Sol - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Tel: 928-282-6292 Tel / Fax: 928-282-4622 - Email: Website:
Translation: Margarita Lopez
Edition: The Caduceus Spring of
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wording For Tagswedding

Excellent interview Atwell to Dr.Arturo Bianca Solis : Photosynthesis Humana / Mysteries of Astrophysics

mysteries of astrophysics
transdisciplinary science accessible to all
Excellent interview Atwell to Dr.Arturo Bianca Solis Human Photosynthesis
Posted on January 10, 2011 porstarviewer

this excellent interview with the Dr.Arturo Atwell Bianca Solis. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

Fotos De Brent Corrigan

Impressive high-energy particle production and other strange events during the solar storm 1 to Jan. 8 / mysteries of astrophysics

Mysteries of astrophysics.
transdisciplinary science accessible to all
Impressive high-energy particle production and other strange events during the solar storm 1 to January 8
Posted on October January 2011 porstarviewer

With the help of one of our readers, we have been able to collect a video, the entire sequence of events satellite from the STEREO A and STEREO B, for days 1 to January 8 inclusive from

When considering the video and the viral loads of particles from CMEs and the strange vortex of energy emission, understand what the earlier days we have been telling them in real time.

An additional issue and worrying that we are not talking in the media: The mass death of bees, should also be considered by experts as a catastrophe. Without bees, no pollination.

Think about this.

recommend read:

The mysterious mass death of birds and fish may be related to the strange coming solar storm swept the land.

continue the mass deaths of fish. 2,000,000 in Maryland and 40,000 crabs in north Kent. UK.

A group of Italian scientists discover that there is a flux of gamma rays in the atmosphere that accelerates the process of storms. 2011 International StarViewerTeam

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